Friday, January 15, 2010


it's already 15th day at 2010. earth's turning too fast, isn't it? hmm.. in my belief, it's sign of the little doomsday. but, everyone never know when the doomsday will come. whether it's many years to come or even tomorrow? God only knows.

okay, back to the topic. today, i still have to go to school. ooh, i'm so lazy. and when i arrived school, i found many of my friends are absent. o-o my classroom is like a social international class haha at the first subjects; sport, i had to running around the school complex for 2 lap. i was so tired -,- at the second subjects; France, we translated the text and given a lot of homework. merci beaucoup madamme, au revoir! o,O the third subjects; Sociology, we did exercise from lks about Social Group and the lesson ended at 11.15 a.m. after that, we did nothing until 2.30 p.m. ooh so boring time!
I spend that time with listened mp3 from my cellphone while read a provoke magazines, take some photos with femi-rahma, and slept until the bells was ringing. then, i went back homeee!

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